in which you can place your telescope and access it remotely under Arizona dark skies.
You get your own private observatory, high speed internet, power, a relay to open and close your roof, free installation, and limited free support. There is no limit to the number of telescopes you can put in your building. If you want to save some money, we also have a shared observatory setting for up to six telescopes, which saves you $100 a month from the private observatory cost.
We keep is simple in that you get the telescope for the entire night at a low cost of only $99. If you sign up for a second night, then it is only $175 for the two nights. You are trained on the system at no cost, and there is support during the entire night if needed. If clouds move in, then you simply continue on the next available night.
If you simply want image data for a sinlge object, we can do that for you. Basically, you tell us the number of exposures you want for each filter. The cost is $2 for a 10 minute exposure and $3 for a 20 minute exposure; however, calibration does not count because the exposure time is what we request you do. We take images when the object is in the best part of the sky, so this could take a few days to get your request.
I am also the Night Program Coordinator at Kitt Peak Visitor Center. They offer public telescope observing program and astrophotography programs including workshops. New: Programs available to get ready for the 2017 Total Eclpise.